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Connecting Eyes, Minds, Hearts … Online
A 10-week introduction to online tools for educators (and others)
Before you start, please click here to take our basic technology survey, if you haven't done so already.
Click here to read the background behind this website.
Week 1: Social Bookmarking I
Week 2: Video Sharing Sites
Week 3: Social Bookmarking II
Week 4: Experimenting with Voicethreads
Week 5: Reading Some Blogs
Week 6: Screen Captures
Week 7: Image Generation and Avatars
Week 8: Interactive Whiteboards
Week 9: Tools for Ongoing Professional Development
Week 10: Reflection and Blogs II
See also our companion Connecting East blog that introduces each week's challenge.
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Home page
Blog: Connecting East
(where red means Still Under Construction)
- blogs
-- Katie's favorite blogs
-- Keri-Lee's favourite blogs
- blogs II
- book social networking (LibraryThing, GoodReads, Shelfari)
- image generation and avatars
-- image generation examples
- interactive whiteboards (Promethean)
- Google Applications (Gmail, Google Docs)
- maps (Google Earth)
- mashups
- music social sites (iTunes)
- microblogging (Twitter)
- nings
- online note-taking (Evernote, Zotero, Diigo)
- personalized homepages (iGoogle, Netvibes, Pageflakes)
- photo sharing sites (Flickr, Picasa)
- podcasts
- professional development tools (RSS feeds, Netvibes, Twitter, iSkoodle, OCC, etc.)
- RSS feeds (Google Reader)
- screen capture (Jing, Screengrab, Screentoaster)
-- screen capture examples
- Skype
- social bookmarking (Delicious / Digg / Diigo)
- social bookmarking II (more tagging, networking, etc.)
- social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace)
- social word processing (Google Docs, Open Office, Zoho)
- subscription databases (United Streaming, Atomic Learning, Encyclopedia Britannica, SIRS Knowledge Source, Newsbank, National Library of Singapore digital resources)
- surveys (SurveyMonkey, PollDaddy
- video production (Animoto, MovieMaker)
- video sharing sites (YouTube, TeacherTube, TeacherTV, TED talks)
-- Keri-Lee's favourite videos
-- Katie's favourite videos
- VLEs (virtual learning environments, e.g., StudyWiz, Moodle, Blackboard)
- virtual worlds (Second Life)
- Voicethreads
- widgets
- wikis (PBwiki, Wikispaces, WetPaint)
Original Survey Results
-- East Campus - Teachers
-- East Campus - TAs/Admin
-- Dover Campus - Teachers
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