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Katie's favorite blogs

Page history last edited by Katie Day 15 years, 6 months ago

Miscellaneous blogs




The blog that accompanies the TED (Technology Entertainment Design) website.  Follow this blog in order to know what's happening in the world of TED.

Sample post:




"PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard."   You can also buy books of collections of these postcards, as the project has been going on for some time.   Warning:  some of the secrets are quite frank.



Children's literature blogs


The Cybils


A blog run by 12 children's book enthusiasts who take nominations and vote for the best children's books and young adult literature

Sample posts:



A Year of Reading


A blog run by 2 literacy specialists/teachers.

Sample posts:



Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast



A blog run by 2 librarians passionate about books and reading

Sample posts:



Teaching / Librarianship blogs


The Fischbowl


"A staff development blog for Arapahoe High School teachers exploring constructivism and 21st century learning skills." (USA)


Sample posts:



Always Learning: teaching technology abroad


Kim Cofino is the 21st Century Literacy Specialist at the International School Bangkok in Thailand.  See all the ICT projects she is involved with at her school.



Learning in an online world


Judy O'Connell is a secondary teacher-librarian in Sydney, Australia, who is deeply immersed in the Web 2.0 world.

Sample posts:

  • Technology Trends and the Semantic Web (13-Jan-09) -- As we're talking about blogs, here's something she highlights in this post:
    • <<Blogging is peaking - There is no doubt about it. The Blogosphere is here to stay, yet people have discovered that it is not very easy to maintain a blog for the long haul. The technology has made it easier to compose and distribute one’s ideas, much to the chagrin of newspaper publishers. On the other hand, the really hard work is coming up with meaningful things to say on a regular basis.>>



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