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screen capture examples

Page history last edited by Katie Day 15 years, 7 months ago


UWCSEA screen capture examples


Katie -- screen captures re using the library catalog


Plain screenshot of our school webpage (captured using Jing):



The same screenshot annotated (captured and edited using Jing):




Keri-Lee -- screencasts for Grade 2s of how to save audio files and insert them into Audacity


See link to blog below (HINT: there is usually a button you can click to make the screencast (i.e., the video) full screen -- this is definitely worth clicking as it allows you to see all the text on the screen clearly):


Wendy -- screencasts for K2 students of how to pronounce their vocabulary homework


K2 Vocabulary 1 on animals

K2 Vocabulary 2 on animals





Other screen capture examples


Teacher Training Videos (Russell Stannard in the UK)



Atomic Learning


Most (all?) of the Atomic Learning tutorials are screencasts.


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