Social bookmarking allows you to store bookmarks for your favorite websites on the internet, rather than on one particular computer. It also allows you to "tag" or label each bookmark with keywords that will help you to easily find that bookmark. So your bookmarks can follow you around -- from home to work or wherever.
This video Social Bookmarking in Plain English -- by The Common Craft Show -- is the best introduction to what social bookmarking is and how to do it.
Brands / best known examples
How Delicious defines itself: "Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet."
There is also a UWCSEA account -- which I set up when working at Dover -- in order to collect websites suitable for different units of inquiry. For example, see the websites tagged tgal (which stands for Think Global, Act Local, a Grade 4 unit).
Then install the Delicious toolbar/buttons for your browser because it makes it so much easier to get the benefit of this tool. (If you need help, just come see us!)
Share some of your recent experiences or favorite online tools related to going on holiday or enjoying life in Singapore. Bookmark at least three different websites, where one tag is connectingeast and other tags are something like Singapore, restaurant, bar, holiday, hotel, fun_spot, tourism, etc.
Create your own Delicious account, if you don't have one already, and e-mail us your Delicious account name, e.g., TheLibrarianEdge or klandmiles. Then install the Delicious toolbar/buttons for your browser.
Search all of Delicious for the tag teachers and primary -- and find/bookmark at least one website you feel is worth sharing. Tag it connectingeast, teachers, and primary and whatever else you want.
Same as #3 above: Bookmark and tag at least three different website, where one tag is connectingeast and other tags relate to having fun in Singapore or going on holiday in this region.
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