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Home page
Blog: Connecting East
(where red means Still Under Construction)
- blogs
-- Katie's favorite blogs
-- Keri-Lee's favourite blogs
- blogs II
- book social networking (LibraryThing, GoodReads, Shelfari)
- image generation and avatars
-- image generation examples
- interactive whiteboards (Promethean)
- Google Applications (Gmail, Google Docs)
- maps (Google Earth)
- mashups
- music social sites (iTunes)
- microblogging (Twitter)
- nings
- online note-taking (Evernote, Zotero, Diigo)
- personalized homepages (iGoogle, Netvibes, Pageflakes)
- photo sharing sites (Flickr, Picasa)
- podcasts
- professional development tools (RSS feeds, Netvibes, Twitter, iSkoodle, OCC, etc.)
- RSS feeds (Google Reader)
- screen capture (Jing, Screengrab, Screentoaster)
-- screen capture examples
- Skype
- social bookmarking (Delicious / Digg / Diigo)
- social bookmarking II (more tagging, networking, etc.)
- social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace)
- social word processing (Google Docs, Open Office, Zoho)
- subscription databases (United Streaming, Atomic Learning, Encyclopedia Britannica, SIRS Knowledge Source, Newsbank, National Library of Singapore digital resources)
- surveys (SurveyMonkey, PollDaddy
- video production (Animoto, MovieMaker)
- video sharing sites (YouTube, TeacherTube, TeacherTV, TED talks)
-- Keri-Lee's favourite videos
-- Katie's favourite videos
- VLEs (virtual learning environments, e.g., StudyWiz, Moodle, Blackboard)
- virtual worlds (Second Life)
- Voicethreads
- widgets
- wikis (PBwiki, Wikispaces, WetPaint)
Original Survey Results
-- East Campus - Teachers
-- East Campus - TAs/Admin
-- Dover Campus - Teachers
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