To get a sense of how Voicethread might be useful for teachers
Exercises to try
1. VoiceThread is an online application that could be called a "group audio/video blog". Watch at least one example of how teachers (including some of ours) have used VoiceThread in the classroom.
2. Sign up for Voicethread and get your own account, if you don't have one already (note: if you participated in the intro PYP workshop, you should have signed up already). For detailed instructions or to watch an intro video about Voicethread, see this page.
3. Participate in one of the following Voicethreads we created: one is called "Favourite Food", the other is called "Favorite Books" -- by adding either a text or a voice comment. Don't panic if your comments don't show up for other people to see straight away - comments are moderated and need to be approved first!
1. Complete the Novice tasks above.
2. Participate in this Voicethread on "Best Costume for the 1970s Disco Christmas Choir" which we have created -- by adding a voice or video comment with at least one doodle on the photo. Don't panic if your comments don't show up for other people to see straight away - comments are moderated and need to be approved first!
1. Complete the Apprentice tasks above.
2. Create your own VoiceThread for use in the classroom and email us the link.
1. Complete the Practitioner tasks above.
2. Create your own VoiceThread and embed it on your own blog or webpage.
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